Leave the world through wisdom
Come back to the world through compassion
- a path towards human enlightenment that includes community, friendship, residential retreats, study and the arts.
Work on your mind with committed Buddhist teachers.
Progress towards a more developed consciousness.
Live in the context of an aspirational community.
At the London Buddhist Centre you’ll learn how to work effectively with your mind from committed Buddhist practitioners. We teach meditation, mindfulness, and Buddhism in ways that are relevant to contemporary life. All this within the context of an aspirational community.
The London Buddhist Centre is at the heart of a varied and vibrant community of Buddhist practitioners in East London. We teach Buddhism and meditation in a way that's relevant to contemporary life.
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7 Apr
7:15 pm
9:45 pm
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7 Apr
12 May
Introduction to Buddhism & Meditation Course
This six-week course will introduce you to key Buddhist principles and two meditation practices that cultivate self-awareness, open-heartedness and insight. Ideal for understanding the wider context and purpose of Buddhist practice.
£130 Full / £85 Conc
In person, book online.
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16 Apr
7:15 pm
9:45 pm
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16 Apr
14 May
Becoming a Buddha: Four Myths of Meditation Course
A five week course starting on Wed 16 April
Buddhist Meditation is primarily concerned with seeing things as they really are. The suffering we experience and cause others is a result of not seeing clearly in this way. If we did see the Truth of things we would become a Buddha: endlessly energetic, wise, and compassionate. This five-week course will introduce four myths - vital ways of moving towards the Truth.
£115 / £75
In person, book online.
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18 Apr
6:30 pm
12:00 pm
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18 Apr
27 Apr
Spring Retreat: Mind, Reactive and Creative
Our mind can function in two ways: reactively and without awareness, or creatively with awareness. The purpose of human life is to move from reacting habitually and automatically to responding creatively and wisely. On this ten-day retreat we’ll explore how to practically make the transition from reactivity to creativity inside and outside meditation.
£630 full | £500 conc | £410 18-25s
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1 Apr
7:30 am
8:30 am
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1 Apr
1 Apr
Online Morning Meditation
This week-long series of guided meditation happens at the start of every month. An opportunity to meditate with others and ask questions about your practice. Suitable for anyone familiar with the mindfulness of breathing and metta bhavana meditation practices.
Online only.
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6 Apr
10:00 am
5:00 pm
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6 Apr
6 Apr
Buddhism & Deep Ecology Day
Join Sanghasiha and friends for a day retreat exploring our relationship with the land as Dharma farers. Guests include artist Kevin Warren who will talk about how Buddhism and a love of the natural world are integrated into his work and Sagaravajra, who will be telling us about his forest garden project in east Devon. Expect sound meditation, guided meditation, ritual, poetry, music, talks and sharing.
In person, just turn up.
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13 Apr
10:30 am
4:30 pm
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13 Apr
13 Apr
People of Colour Day Retreat
Led by Suryagupta and the POC team
A chance for people of colour to come together and be inspired by the Buddha’s teaching, with a full day of meditation and ritual.
In person, just turn up.
Online offerings
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16 May
2:26 pm
3:26 pm
Online On-demand
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16 May
16 May
Meditation Step by Step: Your Guide to Mindfulness
Our on-demand online course
An online course that you can take at your own pace. The course is taught by Suryagupta – Chair of the London Buddhist Centre. Teaching videos, guided meditations and worksheets, all of which can be done in your own time and that you can come back to as many times and you’d like.
£99 - Concessionary rates available
Online only.
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2 Jan
8:00 am
9:00 am
Online On-demand
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2 Jan
2 Jan
Online Morning Meditation
Over the New Year, you can join others for morning meditation classes online. Each morning will begin with teaching to inspire your practice, followed by an unled meditation.
Online only.
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3 Jan
8:00 am
9:00 am
Online On-demand
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3 Jan
3 Jan
Online Morning Meditation
Over the New Year, you can join others for morning meditation classes online. Each morning will begin with teaching to inspire your practice, followed by an unled meditation.
Online only.