The Ratnasambhava Fund
To help cover the cost of retreats
According to Buddhist tradition, one of the greatest gifts you can give is the gift of the Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha). If you have benefited from what you have received at the LBC and would like to pass that on, please consider donating to the Ratnasambhava Fund. It will help someone get on a retreat who would not otherwise be able to do so.

The London Buddhist Centre is committed to offering the teachings of the Buddha to anyone, irrespective of background or financial means. For that reason, we have a fund to provide low-cost introductory weekend retreats to anyone for whom money is a barrier. We particularly want to support people from groups that are typically under-represented on our retreats.
The Ratnasambhava Fund is available to UK residents in Greater London with an annual income lower than £27,007.50 (the London Living Wage) and is only available for certain retreats. If the retreat you’re interested in isn't covered by the fund, or you’re ineligible, do still contact and we would be happy to discuss other ways to help you get on retreat.