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In 2025, PhilosophyEAST explores the philosophy of consciousness. Are there more illuminating ways of envisaging the mind? Can we find meaningful ways of looking at life that aren’t contained within the nihilist, physicalist framework?
PhilosophyEAST takes place on a Saturday evening at the LBC, consisting of two 45-minute conversations divided by a tea break. We want to share accessible, high-content explorations of crucial questions.

Maitreyabandhu is a senior Buddhist teacher as well as poet, critic, and writer. He has written three books on Buddhism, Thicker than Blood: Friendship on the Buddhist Path (2001), Life with Full Attention: A Practical Course in Mindfulness (2009) and The Journey and the Guide: A Practical Course in Enlightenment (2015) all with Windhorse Publications. In 2004, with Dr Paramabandhu Groves, he co-founded Breathing Space, the LBC’s health and wellbeing project. Maitreyabandhu founded PoetryEast in 2010.
Maitreyabandhu has published three three full-length collections with Bloodaxe Books: The Crumb Road (2013), a Poetry Book Society Recommendation, Yarn (2015), and After Cézanne (2019), a sequence of 56 poems about the life of the painter.
PhilosophyEAST with Helen Pluckrose
PhilosophyEAST with Matthew David Segall
PhilosophyEAST with Andrew Pickering
PhilosophyEAST with Emily Herring
PhilosophyEAST with Orlando Reade
PhilosophyEAST with John Tresch
Catch up
Explore past talks from PoetryEast and the Nature of Mind Conversations