Reflecting on Death and Making a Will
Consider Leaving a Gift to the LBC
Reflection on death and dying has been a central part of Buddhist practice since the time of the Buddha. One way we can prepare for death is by creating a will. By including the London Buddhist Centre in your will, you will be helping to pass on the benefits of the Buddha's teaching to future generations.
Making a will
A will sets out where you would like your estate to go when you die. It helps the dying process to know that one’s affairs are in order and that others will benefit after we have died. As well as taking care of family and friends, many people see a will as a chance to benefit a favourite charity. Giving a legacy gift to the London Buddhist Centre will help with:
- Continuing to give the Buddha’s vision of meaning and friendship.
- Offering meditation and mindfulness teaching to anyone irrespective of ability to pay.
- Strengthening a community of people seeking to transform themselves and the world for the benefit of all beings.

How our Retreat Centre Vajrasana came to be

Mahananda, an ordained Buddhist in our tradition, died from a stroke in 2009. His mother, a Jewish woman who suffered the horror of the holocaust at Auschwitz, came to England after liberation and married a Polish lawyer. Mahananda was their only child and inherited the flat where they lived.
Mahananda left a large legacy in his will to the London Buddhist Centre, which helped build Vajrasana, our purpose-built retreat centre in Suffolk. Thanks to Mahananda’s gift, Vajrasana has touched thousands of people’s lives through its beauty and tranquillity and stands as an example of the power of legacy. We can give in this way and continue to benefit others after we have died. Some of Mahananda’s ashes are in the stupa courtyard at Vajrasana.
How to leave a legacy in your will
Writing a will might seem daunting but it can be a very straightforward process and give you peace of mind.
Most people use the help of a solicitor or will writer. In the UK, solicitors who are members of the Law Society and will writers who are members of The Society of Will Writers or The Institute of Professional Will Writers, will be fully qualified in making wills. You may want to write your will with Satyadasa at Greengate Wills. Satyadasa is a member of the Society of Will Writers, a non-practising solicitor, and fully insured to write wills.
If you would like more information on writing a will please get in touch with Amalayodhin If you intend on leaving a legacy gift to the LBC please let us know so Amalayodhin can be in touch to thank you and help in any way he can.