The Wheel of Life

A four-week course exploring key Buddhist teachings

Four weeks starts Wed 5 Jun | 7.15pm - 9.30pm | In person

Led by Suryagupta

Imagine having a mirror which showed you the way life worked and why things happen the way they do.

Imagine looking into this mirror and understanding the causes of your own and others challenges, including all the strife and conflicts we see on our screens.

Imagine this mirror revealed how to move towards freedom confidently and clearly, and to do so whilst benefiting others.

Welcome to the Wheel of Life -- an image that has transformed the lives of many for hundreds of years and is now being brought to you in this four-week seminar led by Suryagupta, Chair of the LBC.

Weaving together her love of stories and myths, Suryagupta will share the transformative image of the Tibetan Wheel of Life. This is a symbolic representation of the cycle of life, suffering, and the way to freedom.  

Course Description

Structure of the course

  • Through the four weeks, Suryagupta will reveal different levels and layers of the wheel and show you how to look at your life and the world from the vast perspective that the wheel presents. This series is ideal if you would like to understand life better and have a greater connection with the ever present possibility of transformation that exists within the wheel of our lives.

Week 1

Introduction to Tantra and an Overview of the Wheel

An exploration of the heart of the wheel -- the choice of the good and  freedom.

Week 2

The Realms of Life, Part 1

The three different states of being that we might inhabit, how they arise, and the transformation that's possible.

Week 3

The Realms of Life, Part 2

The remaining three states of being, revealing how every state of mind has its particular point of transformation.

Week 4

Finding the point of freedom within life itself

We will explore the chain of life, and the links where one event leads to another, and how to reflect and act so that growth, transformation and freedom comes into being.

Is this course for me?

This series is ideal for regulars who would like to gain insight into the foundational teachings of Buddhism and understand how best to apply these concepts practically in everyday life.

“There are hundreds of books on mindfulness, but for a practical guide I would turn first to Life with Full Attention by Maitreyabandhu...."

Alice O'Keefe

- The Guardian

Led by


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get the most from the course?

Here are some top tips for taking part: 

Come every week – whether you feel like it or not. If you look for motivation before you do something, you reverse your motivation; mostly you only want to do something when you’re actually doing it. 

Come early – so you can lie down in the shrine room and have a nap, you probably need it and you’ll get more from the class if you do.

Do your ‘home practice’ every day – then each week you’ll be in a small group to check in about how that went.

What if I can’t make every session?

Do sign-up even if you know you can’t make every session, as you will be able to catch-up from the weekly emails.

If you are going to miss a class – email the home group leader so we know and can let others know. And do come back the following week. Don’t feel guilty for not having attended, just come back and start again.