Gateways to Liberation

A practical course on the Buddha's Wisdom Teachings

Six Tuesdays| Starts Tue 5 Nov | 7.15–9.30pm | In person only

Led by Bodhimati and Maitrekara

What do the Buddha's teachings mean for our lives today?

On this 6-week course we will be looking at the Buddhist path from mindfulness to the Buddha's vision of emptiness and impermanence. You will see how all the Buddha’s teachings are part of an entire system of practice designed to bring about more and more happiness, robustness, and freedom.

Often, the Buddha’s teaching can be taught as a way just to de-stress and manage life in a way which leaves it fundamentally unchanged; or, it is communicated in a way that leaves us feeling confused as to what the Buddha was getting at or whether we could live a Buddhist life unless we become a monk or nun. But the Buddha showed a path that could be followed by anyone while being radical in its implications.

Together on this course, we will start by looking at how the way we behave affects our minds (ethics). We will then move onto the practise of mindfulness and meditation and explore how this has the potential to take us into greater and greater connection with ourselves and those around us.

Finally we will look at the Buddha’s wisdom teachings and show how teachings on non-self and impermanence can be used on a day-to-day basis to bring about liberation in the here and now, whether that be sat on the tube or on a cloudy mountaintop.

By applying these teachings practically to your life, with the support of others, discover for yourself the transformative effects of Buddhism.

Course Description

The course looks at the Buddhist path as divided into the traditional threefold path of ethics, meditation and wisdom. We will spend the first two weeks on ethics, the third week on meditation and then three weeks looking at the teaching of the lakshanas or “marks of conditioned existence”; unsatisfactoriness, impermanence and insubstantiality. The aim is to give a sense of the whole path and the place insight teachings have within that framework.

Structure of the Course

Week 1

The Foundation: Generosity

Week 2

How to Act: Ethics

Week 3

How to Focus: Meditation

Week 4

Wisdom 1: The roots of our suffering

Week 5

Wisdom 2: All things are impermanent

Week 6

Wisdom 3: All things are insubstantial

Is this course for me?

The course is for all. You may have been coming to the Centre for a while and are looking for a practical introduction to the Buddha’s wisdom teachings. Or, if you are new to the Centre and interested in hearing more about the aspects of the Buddha’s teachings relating to insight, then this course is for you too. There will be space for questions and small group discussion to help with following along the course.

Led by


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get the most from the course?

Here are some top tips for taking part: 

Come every week – whether you feel like it or not. If you look for motivation before you do something, you reverse your motivation; mostly you only want to do something when you’re actually doing it. 

Come early – so you can lie down in the shrine room and have a nap, you probably need it and you’ll get more from the class if you do.

Do your ‘home practice’ every day – then each week you’ll be in a small group to check in about how that went.

What if I can’t make every session?

Do sign-up even if you know you can’t make every session, as you will be able to catch-up from the weekly emails.

If you are going to miss a class – email the home group leader so we know and can let others know. And do come back the following week. Don’t feel guilty for not having attended, just come back and start again.

How to take part if I bought the online element?

You will receive a welcome email with a zoom link and all the details, including that it will be a 7.15pm start. Part of the evening will include break-out groups – you will be with the same group of people each week.