Breaking through into Buddhahood

Dharma Night Series

Three Mondays | Starts Mon 11 Nov | 7.15–9.45pm | In person and Online

Led by Maitreyabandhu

Spiritual life is not always gradual. Sometimes we might need to break through obstacles, or break free from what holds us back. To do this we need energy, resolve, courage and willpower. On the eve of his Enlightenment, the Buddha vowed: “Flesh may wither, blood may dry up, but until I have gained Enlightenment I am not getting up from this seat”. 

How do we summon anything like this kind of energy?  And what exactly do breakthroughs look like? In this three week seminar, Maitreyabandhu, one of the LBC’s most experienced teachers, explores Sangharakshita’s important talk Breaking Through Into Buddhahood, looking at its three vital themes: breaking through negative emotion, through psychological conditioning, and through time. 

The seminar is especially designed for anyone who is serious about their spiritual practice, wants to understand it more deeply, and wants to make breakthroughs.

Course Description

The seminar will be using Breaking Through Into Buddhahood as its primary source, so it’d be great if you could listen to the lecture before coming to the seminar. You can listen here. A beautifully produced booklet of Breaking Through Into Buddhahood will be available by donation during the seminar in person at the LBC. 

Structure of the Course

Week 1

Breaking Through Negative Emotions

Buddhism is about transforming all aspects of ourselves, including our views about the world, our behaviour and our emotions. When the Buddha became Enlightened he broke through craving, hatred and fear.

Week 2

Breaking Through Psychological Conditionings

The Enlightened mind is completely free. It doesn’t function according to conditioned behaviour or views picked absorbed unconsciously from the world around us. To become freer, we need to break through patterns that keep us circling around the same old habits.

Week 3

Breaking Through Time

We are slaves to time. Our lives can be completely regulated by clock time. We need to breakthrough mechanical time into organic time, a deep time freeing us from any sense of the past, present or future.

Is this course for me?

This course is open to complete newcomers and those who regularly attend the LBC. And is aimed at anyone who takes life seriously as a quest for Truth. Previous experience of the mindfulness of breathing and metta bhavana will be helpful but is not essential.

The course takes place at the LBC. There will be presentations from Maitreyabandhu, as well as discussion. After each class, we will send you a follow-up email with a summary of the previous evening's input. We'll also support you to think about next steps when the course ends.

Led by


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get the most from the course?

Here are some top tips for taking part: 

Come every week – whether you feel like it or not. If you look for motivation before you do something, you reverse your motivation; mostly you only want to do something when you’re actually doing it. 

Come early – so you can lie down in the shrine room and have a nap, you probably need it and you’ll get more from the class if you do.

Do your ‘home practice’ every day – then each week you’ll be in a small group to check in about how that went.

What if I can’t make every session?

Do sign-up even if you know you can’t make every session, as you will be able to catch-up from the weekly emails.

If you are going to miss a class – email the home group leader so we know and can let others know. And do come back the following week. Don’t feel guilty for not having attended, just come back and start again.

How to take part if I bought the online element?

You will receive a welcome email with a zoom link and all the details. Part of the evening will include break-out groups – you will be with the same group of people each week.